Trying new foods while on an adventure out in a country that you’ve never been to really makes the tasting experience all the better. Here are a few foods to add to your list the…
Does your nonprofit receive gifts automatically without your having to ask? If you do, we say congratulations! This is a fundraising ideal. With automated giving a donor makes one decision…
In the middle of the national celebration of Women’s History Month, sports teams and specifically the NFL are once again facing scrutiny and being called out for extreme hypocrisy around…
IN THE NEWS Henrico eighth-graders to receive full ride scholarships to Virginia Union University NBC12 Each of the middle schoolers chosen was surprised at school with “VUU Henrico Scholars” awards,…
TMCF, UNCF, and Partnership for Education Advancement collaborate for Black economy By Sheyla Fairley As stated in a release, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), United Negro College Fund (UNCF),…
A Savory Meal for Spring Celebrations (Family Features) From picnics and family reunions to al fresco meals on the patio, flavor and freshness can make springtime dishes truly mouthwatering. As…
Black women fundraisers are organizing and supporting each other through Fabulous Female Fundraisers, aka F3. This group is on a mission to connect, support, engage, and empower women of color…
Women In Leadership Equality in the Workplace In 2020, women earned 84 cents for every dollar men earned, the Pew Research Center says. Based on those rates, it would take…
New program to produce more principals of color By Sheyla Fairley As stated in an article, Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University — both located in Atlanta, GA — are…
Let’s travel to Aruba this week. Having a good setting and weather condition, Aruba is great to visit no matter what time of the year you feel like visiting. Where…