After flipping through the pages of your favorite magazine you may be convinced that you need to try ten new hairstyles, redecorate your living room, and you may see why…
the Deal
If you have grade A excellent credit, okay credit, or credit so bad that you don’t even want to talk about it, you have this one thing in common. You…
The pay gap for women in our country is far too wide. But with a little negotiating, women will never have to settle for a salary less than a man…
Start teaching your kids about money with this one foundational principle, even If they are just five years old. We are always making sure that our children are excelling academically,…
If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated with your finances and wishing that you were further along there is no need to feel guilty or ashamed. You can get on the…
While we are on our way to financial success, we may have to cut a few corners. Here are some practical ways to save money on groceries while building healthy…
A personal trainer can help you to get in shape and stay healthy. Having a personal trainer for your money can help you to master your money and build wealth.…
When it comes to reaching goals, you have to be sure that they belong to you. Chasing a dream just to please someone else won’t cut it in the end.…
We can all agree that saving money is a good thing, but not everyone does it. When you change the way that you look at saving, you can get motivated to actually do it. Each time payday rolls around, you can always count on a stack of bills to roll around with it. But without thinking twice, you do what you gotta’ do. You pay your utilities, mortgage, you may use some money to chip away at debt, you even put money aside for your children’s education, and you never forget to tithe. At the end of the day, you feel good because you handled your business. But if you look closely, you forgot to pay someone very important. YOURSELF. If you are going to pay the power company your money that you have worked so hard for, then why not pay yourself a little something-something too? You do your thing on a daily basis, you may work, cook, clean and drive the kids here and there, and outside of the day-to-day joys that you experience, you may feel that your job is rewardless. But who says that working hard in and out of the workplace has to go without reward? Pay yourself. Paying yourself is simply a better way to think of saving. Saving can sometimes sound like a drag. It can seem as if you can’t do anything that you enjoy because you have to put money away for a rainy day. But, when you think of it as paying yourself, saving becomes more than that. Paying yourself sounds like something you could look forward to, something that will give your self- worth a boost, and give you a sense of dignity about your money. Paying yourself sounds…