Here we are in the month of March. It’s Women’s History Month, and the month of March is a major marker in the political primary season when 1/3 of the…
I’m Just Sayin’
As we come to the end of the month in which we celebrate the formative impact Americans of African descent have had on the American history landscape, we acknowledge the…
The Richmond City Council by a 5 to 4 vote killed the 1.5-billion-dollar Navy Hill project. Why? The project was well-funded and had major support from the Mayor, Dominion Energy…
Originally known as Negro History Week, a recognition and celebration of the role black people have played throughout the American history story, Black History Month was the brainchild of historian…
As the saying goes, “Do what I SAY not what I Do!” We have arrived at a time when it’s neither what you say or what you do but “how”…
Absolute power corrupts absolutely! This assertion was made centuries ago by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The assertion is that a person’s…
“This is the way I’ve always done it!” “It was good enough for Mama n’ them, so it’s good enough for me!” Let’s be clear. If you continue to do…
In 2019, there were 66 violent deaths in Richmond; while 60 of those have been ruled homicides, the other 6 are still being investigated. Many of these deaths were the…
Happy New Year! Immediately after we hear those words, we begin to hear all of the things people intend to change in the coming year. Promises to stop drinking, stop…
Be kind. It’s a simple command and yet in these days it appears to be increasingly difficult to embrace kindness as an antidote to mean spirited behavior and ill will.…