Part two Should you start spending money as soon as your nonprofit receives a grant? We recommend taking time to make management decisions related to the grant. Here are some…
FUNdraising Good Times
Part One Nonprofits love to hear the phrase “you got the grant!” With this column, we share suggestions for things to consider once you receive a grant. Some may appear…
As more foundations and granting agencies look holistically at how they work with their grantees, they are giving more than money. Support from a funder can now include technical assistance…
As you organize your work for the coming year, now is a good time to review the contracts or agreements you have in place or are developing. Do you know…
Fundraising and nonprofit life are full of intrigue, twisted paths, pure luck, genius, generosity, and more. This is the fourth in an occasional series of fictional fundraising short stories. Alex…
Fundraising and nonprofit life are full of intrigue, twisted paths, pure luck, genius, generosity, and more. This is the third in an occasional series of fictional fundraising short stories. Ruby…
Will 2023 be different from 2022 or more of the same? If recent history is a fortune-teller, the answer would be a resounding “no!” But it’s not only history that…
Leadership is pivotal to nonprofit success, and Ruby Bright exemplifies the best of inclusive leadership – a person focused on her goals, not public acclaim. As the President and Chief…
What a year it has been! Time itself has lost its meaning, speeding up and slowing down without notice. So much is happening: COVID-19 continues; equity remains a priority; economic…
It’s a joyous time to give and receive – and to teach! With our holiday giving, we have a moment to teach our children the power and value of our…