An interview with Cynthia Magallon Puljic Part one of a two-part series Philanthropy is philanthropy and fundraising is fundraising, right? We’re not so sure. Wanting to know more about philanthropy…
Mel and Pearl Shaw
The importance of roles and responsibilities. A great idea can be the first step in the process of creating something wonderful. Bringing the right people together adds power to the…
The more things change the more they stay the same. Yes, technology is transforming all aspects of our lives. Our relationships, work environments, and community engagement are not the way…
Who benefits from the nonprofit sector? Is it the poor, the hungry, the sick, the disenfranchised? Yes. And it is the wealthy, healthy, and wise! Along with government agencies, healthcare…
The development committee of your board is like the fire department. They should always be ready to fund-raise. They should be planning for the next campaign, cultivating new donors, and…
“What can we do to help?” That was the question asked by a corporate representative at a conference we attended last week. The already lively discussion quickly blossomed and increased…
How do you reach a fundraising goal? There are many activities that together can guide you to your fundraising destination. One of these is knowing how many people you need…
Wonder why it’s easy for some nonprofits to raise money and not so much for others? Here’s what we have learned: sustained successful fundraising requires consistent attention, action, funding and…
As you begin your board service, define what you want to achieve by the time you leave. Whether you are a new or established board member we suggest you take…
Where does fundraising rank as a priority when searching for new leadership? It happens all the time. “I quit!” or “You’re fired!” are the extremes that can mark the beginning…