VSU hosts innovative summer leadership program for youth ages 11-13

4-H Delegates and Teen Mentors from iLeadership Institute 2018.
Youth ages 11-13 are invited to participate in a 4-H summer leadership program at Virginia State University (VSU) July 15-18, 2019. The iLeadership Institute is a four-day, three-night program on the VSU campus designed to foster leadership skills in middle school-aged children who are 11-13 any time during the current 4-H year of October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019. There is an option to attend the program on a daily basis for one or more days. No previous experience with 4-H is required. Youth participating in this program will automatically be enrolled into the Virginia 4-H program free of charge.
The highly acclaimed program, now in its second year, features interactive activities that expose youth to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Math) subjects, teach basic marketing skills, and strengthen team-building and networking abilities. Youth will also be introduced to distinguished speakers, learn table etiquette, develop personal action plans, experience what it is like to live on a college campus, and more.
Additionally, the iLeadership Institute will enhance the ability of new, current and future 4-H youth to serve in local, district, state and national 4-H leadership roles.
Registration for the iLeadership Institute is $300. Youth can also participate on a day-to-day basis, for $100 per day. 4-H members age 16-18 with Teen Mentor training can participate as a Teen Counselor for $50. Adult volunteers and 4-H Agents can participate for $25.
To register or for more information, visit ext.vsu.edu/4h-ileadership.
If you have any questions or are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the 4-H Program office at jbrown@vsu.edu or call (804) 524-5964 / (800) 828-1120 during business hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.