As we come into the month of May, we enter the annual confluence of another celebration season full of rites of passage and new beginnings. We completely embrace the prom season filled of ball gowns, tuxedos and limousines, college and high school graduations, retirements with future expectations, and the rewards, large and small, of hard work and perseverance. Thousands gather near and far to rejoice with one another and share in the accomplishments of hard work and sacrifice. Sacrifices made both on behalf of others and because of others.
Some are the first in their families to receive an education at all and for them having a college graduate in their family is tantamount to believing in the impossible dream. For others, with the privileges of a head start, whose family always had expectations for them, it may be a different story. However, while some may have barely scraped by because of lack of interest or lack of commitment, even they have accomplished something in the fulfillment of an advanced degree. And now they have the opportunity to remake themselves and establish a future that is different from their past. The future holds promise and a hope for something better than we’ve had before and that is true no matter what race, class, gender or identity we claim. This celebration season affords us all the smallest sliver of hope and rising expectations for what happens next and what possibilities the future may hold.
The unspeakable joy contained within in this season of festivity is that it gives us a much-needed respite from the current pressures of our political struggles and redirects our focus from national tragedies to a sense of pride in the success of hard work and perseverance. If only for a brief moment we are compelled to place our attention on the accomplishments and high achievements of those we love. It makes us happy and overflows our spirits with a sense of pride. Let us join together with our families and communities near and far and applaud the tremendous accomplishments of our graduates, scholars, and all of those coming to the ending of one career or the beginning of another. We all need something to celebrate right now in this moment. However briefly, we can lay aside our worries and cares and give a full-throated shout-out to ALL who are rejoicing in this season.
Congratulations to all of those who made tremendous sacrifices along the way, those who are a part of the “village,” the communities who raised, supported and prayed for these we honor over the next few weeks as we celebrate you too, along with all of their successes and achievements. It is celebration season! We must take the time to give honor where honor is due. Be certain to join in the party. Celebrate with joyful gatherings, lots of good food and revelry. However, be very careful as you party together. It is great to party and party hardy, but while you are celebrating please take care not to drink and drive. We do not want to turn our joy into sorrow especially at this time of year.