When it comes to reaching goals, you have to be sure that they belong to you. Chasing a dream just to please someone else won’t cut it in the end.
Every once in a while, you will hear a story of a law school student who dropped out to pursue a career in acting, or of a practicing doctor who hung up his white coat to become a musician. These scenarios can make us wonder what happened. And we can’t help but wonder if they became a doctor or lawyer because someone else wanted them to become that.
Sometimes we can find ourselves doing things because that’s what someone else wanted for us. Did your mother want you to become a doctor, did you join the military because that’s what everyone in your family did? It’s certainly okay to follow these paths if you want the same for yourself. But if someone else’s goal for you isn’t your goal, that’s cause to pause.
No matter what you do, you have to own your goals and dreams. The people who have desires for you certainly have your best interest in mind. But if you are just going along with what they want for you, then it’ll be easy to fail. Why? Because if you don’t have a major definite purpose or a deeply personal reason and desire to achieve a goal, then you likely won’t achieve it.
Your spouse can fuss at you until the cows come home about your spending habits, but it won’t be until you own the goal of budgeting and spending wisely will you finally conquer any bad habits. And your parents can preach about why you need to buy a house, but it will not be until you want to buy a home yourself that you’ll make strong efforts to obtain one. It takes heart to overcome the obstacles that come with conquering your dreams. If your only reason for doing something is because someone else wants you to, then you may want to reconsider. Instead, do some soul searching and find that thing that makes you tick, and then find a strong reason to get it done.
Own your dreams, because whatever you decide to achieve and do, you will have to own the hustle that comes along with it. And no one can do that for you. So, work toward the goals that you are passionate about, or find deeply personal and motivating drive to get the necessary jobs done. At the end of the day, it’s your life and your dreams to realize.